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Circle D Ranch Photo/Video Gallery

Becky & Bob Dorn

Some of the horses at Circle D Ranch

Bob & his new ranch hand "Rascal"

Becky and Bob with NHL "Hall of Famer" Jeremy Roenick

Becky with Dallas Stars Ben Bishop (Goalie) & Joe Pavelski (Right Wing)

NHL "Hall of Famer" Jeremy Roenick along with Dallas Stars Ben Bishop (Goalie) & Joe Pavelski (Right Wing)

The NBC Sports film crew filming at Circle D Ranch

Our son Christian & his wife Kami when he won the Texas Country Music "Drummer of the Year Award in 2018

Our son Ralston with this year's massive buck 8 points & over 100 #s of venison

The Texas Dorn's (Christian & Kami, Ralston & Gabby, Bob & Becky)

Lilly Covich and Big Al both taking a nap

Becky - My Sweety Pie

Bob & Becky Two Steppin at the FBCH Eve Eve "Christmas Time In Texas"!

Sam Huffman (who rode at Circle D Ranch for many years) polo horse at Texas Tech does a "High Ho Silver"

Gus Hoff roping Reba at Circle D Ranch

Gus Hoff roping Reba at Circle D Ranch

Stephen Tryon roping Calamity Jane
at Circle D Ranch

Cana Baum Barrel Racing at Circle D Ranch

Cana Baum Barrel Racing at Circle D Ranch

Derek Jones Riding at Circle D Ranch

Stephanie Ford Riding at Circle D Ranch

Jamie Gibson Barrel Racing at Circle D Ranch

Andrew Conrad catches a big bass at Circle D Ranch

Zeke Windle has his 6 year old birthday party
at Circle D Ranch

Zeke Windle riding Big Al at his 6 year old birthday party at Circle D Ranch

Another glorious sunrise at Circle D Ranch

Bob & Anthony Taylor rounding up the cattle

Bob & Anthony Taylor readying to rope

Bob setting a heel trap
"Myself and my wife were in the area on vacation from the UK and we visited Bob for a true western riding experience. We were blown away not only by his fantastic instruction, his beautiful land, his amazing horses and the unbelievable fun we had, but also as to how friendly, professional and great fun he was whilst we spend several hours on the Circle D. Herding some of Bob’s steers and the introduction to barrel racing patterns was great and all taught/guided throughout. It was the highlight of our trip and will definitely be going back when in the area again".
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